Closure notice: Tramore River footpath
The footpath will be closed from 11th November up to 4 weeks
Closure notice: Tramore River footpath
The footpath will be closed from 11th November up to 4 weeks
National Tidy Towns competition results
Togher Tidy Towns celebrates gaining nine points in the National Tidy Towns competition, thanks to dedicated volunteers and community support.
National Tidy Towns competition results
Togher Tidy Towns celebrates gaining nine points in the National Tidy Towns competition, thanks to dedicated volunteers and community support.
General Election - Posters
With the general election approaching, we kindly request that all candidates refrain from putting up posters in the vicinity of O' Connors Funeral Home, down Spur Hill, along Togher Road...
General Election - Posters
With the general election approaching, we kindly request that all candidates refrain from putting up posters in the vicinity of O' Connors Funeral Home, down Spur Hill, along Togher Road...
22/08 - Tramore River Greenway Walk
National Heritage Week - Join us for the walk on 22 August, 6pm - 8:30pm at Tramore River Greenway,
22/08 - Tramore River Greenway Walk
National Heritage Week - Join us for the walk on 22 August, 6pm - 8:30pm at Tramore River Greenway,
Togher TidyTowns supports Cork Marathon runners
Last Sunday, Togher TidyTowns took part in the Cork City Marathon, supporting runners at a water station.
Togher TidyTowns supports Cork Marathon runners
Last Sunday, Togher TidyTowns took part in the Cork City Marathon, supporting runners at a water station.
Supporting our Poster Zone Campaign
14 out of 17 candidates have come on board with Togher Tidy Towns and haven't placed or have removed poster after our request.
Supporting our Poster Zone Campaign
14 out of 17 candidates have come on board with Togher Tidy Towns and haven't placed or have removed poster after our request.